Radio Resource Inc.

Two-way Radio Surveillance Kit and Earpiece Options

Written by Radio Resource Inc. | Oct 12, 2018 1:55:49 PM

Surveillance Kit and Earpiece Options for Two-way Radios


Two-way radios are a great addition to businesses that need to keep their team connected. With two-way radios, there are a many earpiece and surveillance kit options. How can users know which will fit them and their operation best?

One of the most common accessory options for radio users are the surveillance kits. Most commonly, radio users tend to prefer the one or two-wire kits. What’s the difference you ask? With the one wire option, both the PTT button and earpiece are a part of the single wire. With the two-wire, the PTT button and the earpiece are each on their own wire.

Earpiece options like the Coil Tube, Ear Hook, and the D Ring are the most common among the various choices. Surveillance kits allow radio users to transmit and receive radio chatter through a headset. This works great for different industries such as hospitality, healthcare, construction, and many others. For noisy environments noise cancelling surveillance kits have proven to be effective in blocking out background noise so users are able to transmit more clearly.

Speaker mics can also be a great option for users in the construction, manufacturing, and even education industry. Some speaker mics even have the option to plug in an earpiece so users can better hear the radio communication if they are in noisy environments.

Surveillance kits and speaker mics are a few of the many accessories that are popular among two-way radio users. If you have questions about radio accessories or are looking for an accessory solution for your two-way radio needs, fell free to reach out to us at